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Guess I am the only one that loves Valentine’s day? Some years it made me self conscious, but I am really happy with my husband and I looove the flowers, the jewelry, the long weekends away. Maybe because he loves it too, and maybe because he does wonderful things and sends me flowers often anyway, but I like having one holiday when its ok to to super duper sickeningly mushy smushy and blow some crazy amount of money on something he’s been coveting, and bake a giant chocolate cheese cake and cut it into a heart shape is awesome. I don’t care if it is a “fake” holiday. So is hanukah and kwanzaa and oh lets see, just about every holiday - go back 100 years and look at the celebrations - faaar less pomp for every holiday. So what? So its “inauthentic.” So’s my hair color. Whatever - it makes me feel good. Chill out people! Its ok to enjoy something tacky.

campsite rule's avatar
campsite rule
wrote on February 8 2010 @ 01:42 pm: [report]

Wow Frisky, way to overkill Valentine’s Day. I think there has been about 30 articles directly about or relating to Valentines day within the last 2 weeks. And we still have almost a week before the actual day. Seriously cool it. There’s other stuff to talk about. Amirite?

Singularity's avatar
wrote on February 8 2010 @ 01:43 pm: [report]


The thing is, I care about a lot of people, not just whoever I’m dating at the time. So every year for Valentine’s day I get one of those packs of kiddie valentines and a whole bunch of boxes of Sweethearts and give them to my family and close friends. It brightens everyone’s day and makes me happy. That’s what’s important, right?